Acupuncture for pregnancy & childbirth
Acupuncture offers pregnant women the choice of drug free treatment and can be successfully used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions including:
History of Miscarriage (To prevent re-occurrence by preparing the body for pregnancy and grow a healthy baby)
Nausea and vomiting | Heartburn | Constipation | Fatigue and exhaustion | Anemia | Insomnia | Anxiety
Depression | Pregnancy-induced hypertension | Edema | Breech and posterior positioned babies |Induction
Pre-birth treatment to prepare the body for an efficient labour (cervical ripening)
Acupressure for pain relief during labour | Pain relief and problems during labour | Postpartum recovery
Pre-Birth treatment involves a series of four treatments weekly from 36 or 37 weeks to prepare for labour. Points are used according a woman's constitution and pregnancy history. These include points to ripen the cervix, to help position the baby in the best presentation for labour and to promote optimal energy and stamina for women to enter into labour.
Data on 169 women was gathered by 14 midwives as part of their midwifery practice in Wellington, New Zealand. It found that when comparing all caregivers (Midwives GP's and Specialists) to those women who had received pre-birth acupuncture there was: An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their first baby this was a 43% reduction) A 31% reduction in the epidural rate. When comparing midwifery only care to women receiving pre-birth acupuncture there was a: 32% reduction in emergency caesarean delivery A 9 % increase in normal vaginal births. There was no difference in the onset of early labour in those women receiving pre-birth acupuncture.
History of Miscarriage (To prevent re-occurrence by preparing the body for pregnancy and grow a healthy baby)
Nausea and vomiting | Heartburn | Constipation | Fatigue and exhaustion | Anemia | Insomnia | Anxiety
Depression | Pregnancy-induced hypertension | Edema | Breech and posterior positioned babies |Induction
Pre-birth treatment to prepare the body for an efficient labour (cervical ripening)
Acupressure for pain relief during labour | Pain relief and problems during labour | Postpartum recovery
Pre-Birth treatment involves a series of four treatments weekly from 36 or 37 weeks to prepare for labour. Points are used according a woman's constitution and pregnancy history. These include points to ripen the cervix, to help position the baby in the best presentation for labour and to promote optimal energy and stamina for women to enter into labour.
Data on 169 women was gathered by 14 midwives as part of their midwifery practice in Wellington, New Zealand. It found that when comparing all caregivers (Midwives GP's and Specialists) to those women who had received pre-birth acupuncture there was: An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their first baby this was a 43% reduction) A 31% reduction in the epidural rate. When comparing midwifery only care to women receiving pre-birth acupuncture there was a: 32% reduction in emergency caesarean delivery A 9 % increase in normal vaginal births. There was no difference in the onset of early labour in those women receiving pre-birth acupuncture.